Rules of Conduct
Every effort is made to develop employees by proper supervision and training. There are certain rules of conduct, which have been established for the benefit and protection of all employees and to govern the general conduct of company employees while they are on the job. The following rules have been designed for your welfare and protection, as well as the company's and will be updated or modified from time to time as required. Employees may be subject to disciplinary action, which may include discharge depending upon the frequency or severity of a violation of the employee rules of conduct.
1. Dishonest or fraudulent acts against the company or fellow workers.
Stealing or misappropriation of property of the company, fellow workers, other employees, or any other conduct of a dishonest nature.
2. Failure to report accidents.
Failing to report immediately to supervisory personnel any accident or injury which an employee has sustained.
3. Damaging or destroying property.
Willfully altering, mutilating, abusing, or wasting property, facilities, records, or equipment belonging to or located on the company's premises.
4. Insubordination.
Willfully refusing or failing to follow instructions or perform designated work.
5. Improper absence from work.
Being absent from work or tardy without reasons satisfactory to the company.
6. Abusive or obscene language.
Using uncivil, insulting, vile or obscene language in addressing fellow workers, supervisors, or others.
7. Horseplay, fighting, and immoral conduct.
Engaging in horseplay, provoking or instigation a fight or fighting on company property, contributing to unsanitary conditions or immoral conduct.
8. Other employment while on leave of absence.
Accepting employment elsewhere while on leave of absence from the company unless properly authorized.
9. Non compliance with safety rules.
Violating or failing to comply with any of the safety rules which are set forth in the "Washington State General Safety Standards", the “Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act", or failing to follow recognized safe procedures in performing work for the company.
10. Liquor, Narcotics and other intoxicants.
Allowing the use of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or other intoxicants in any way to interfere with work. Entering the plant under the influence of or while in possession of alcoholic beverages or narcotics, or the consumption thereof on company premises.
11. Smoking.
Smoking is not allowed in the shop at any time. Smoking is allowed outside of the shop during breaks and lunchtime.
12. False employment application and falsifying work records.
Knowingly or intentionally making false statements upon applications for employment, personnel records, or other company work records.
13. Scanning another employee's time card.
Intentionally scanning the time card of a fellow worker or soliciting or causing other employees to scan time cards other than their own. Repeatedly failing to scan the time card.
14. Gambling.
Gambling in any form. Minor card games and pools covering various athletic contests or games will not be considered gambling.
15. Visitors.
Assisting any non-employee to enter the plant or company facilities without the company's prior authorization.
16. Poor work performance and negligence.
Engaging, while on company time, in any activities other than assigned work, and/or failing to do the work assigned by supervisors in an efficient and satisfactory manner acceptable to the company.
17. General.
Engaging in other such practices as may be inconsistent with ordinary, reasonable, common sense rules of conduct necessary to the mutual welfare of the company and its employees.
18. Probationary period.
All employees hired by the company are placed on a probationary status during their first ninety days of employment with the company. After completion of ninety days of continuous employment, employees are eligible to be placed on a regular status.
19. Change of employee status.
It is your responsibility to notify the company regarding changes of address, telephone number, marital status, dependent coverage and beneficiary.
The company will limit information given out on employees to a minimum concerning verification of the employee's name and employment status only. In no event will detailed information regarding wages, salary or medical history be released other than at the employee's request or as a requirement in a legal proceeding.
20. Use of facilities for non-work purposes
Due to insurance liability no employees may use company facilities for personal use or projects.