An employee, who is absent from work for any period of time and for any reason, is considered an absentee. Included are all absences whether approved or not by your supervisor, and whether they were taken with or without advance notice.
It is the policy of Honeycutt Manufacturing that all employees must be available and report for work on time each and every day they are scheduled to work. Failure to report, tardiness, and absences will be cause for immediate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Absenteeism is a costly problem for both you and the company. You suffer a loss of earnings that cannot be recovered, and the company suffers a loss of production that cannot be recovered. Further, absenteeism can make your job more difficult and thereby cause a low morale. Good attendance benefits both you and the company.
It is recognized that a reasonable amount of absence due to bona fide illness or emergency situations is beyond your control. On the other hand, we believe that Honeycutt Manufacturing is entitled to a reasonable degree of regularity in your attendance and that disciplinary action is proper for failure to adhere to a reasonable attendance standard. Employees shall, therefore, arrange medical and dental appointments as much as possible to avoid absences from work.
Notification of Absence
If you are unable to report for work due to an illness or other justifiable cause, notification of your absence must be given to the company as soon as possible. Failure to notify the company at the start of the shift on the first day of absence, or within two (2) hours of your scheduled start time will result in disciplinary action. Unless you are under the care of a doctor who issues a mandatory leave from work notice, you are required to call in to work each day you will not be present. If you cannot possibly return to work by the expected date, you must notify the company and provide the continued reason for the absence and the expected date of return.
The company may require a doctor's certificate at any time for verification of illness at its discretion.
Abuse of AbsencE
Any employee found to have violated company attendance policies or falsified or misrepresented the reasons for such absences or tardiness, shall be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
Employees who are absent for three consecutive workdays without notifying the company shall be considered as having voluntarily resigned.
Any person accumulating 48 hours of absenteeism in a 6-month period is subject to disciplinary action.
Leave of Absence
Leave of absence will be granted at the discretion of general manager.