
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Honeycutt Manufacturing Inc. We are pleased that you have chosen to join us and sincerely hope that your association with our company will prove to be a satisfying and rewarding experience for you.

The purpose of this Employee Guide is to explain our company policies so you will know what is expected of you, and to make you aware of the benefits, which are provided for you as an employee of Honeycutt Manufacturing Inc.

We hope that this guide will answer many of your questions. If you have further questions concerning the company, its policies, or your benefits, we urge you to contact your immediate supervisor.

Once again, welcome!


This guide should not be construed or considered to be in any way a legal document, a contract and / or a guarantee of continued employment. Your employment with Honeycutt Manufacturing Inc will continue at the will of the Company and yourself and may be terminated for any reason by either party at any time.  Any statements or promises to the contrary should not be relied upon. This guide or any part thereof may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of Honeycutt Manufacturing Inc herein after referred to as the Company or Honeycutt Manufacturing.

Company History

Starting with one old lathe and one old mill, Honeycutt Machine was founded in June of 1980; the purpose of the company was to provide basic machining for local businesses on a job shop basis.

Honeycutt Machine had provided quality workmanship in machining in support of the many Seattle area firms, shipping our work as far away as England, Korea, Australia, and many other points around the world.

On July 1st, 2006, Ron Honeycutt sold Honeycutt Machine to new ownership with all assets, liabilities, non-compete agreement and company name.  After 4 years of business, a company meeting had been called to announce the closure of Honeycutt Machine.

As a direct response to the news, Ron Honeycutt and two of his sons jumped back into the business and started Honeycutt Manufacturing Inc.  Utilizing the existing equipment, and some key employees, Honeycutt Manufacturing strives to be a key supplier of high quality machined parts to many customers worldwide, in both the aerospace and commercial industries.

Honeycutt Manufacturing’s basic capability is fine quality, attention and workmanship that are apparent in each and every part manufactured by our employees.

You and Honeycutt Manufacturing

Your future with the company depends on you and how you perform your job with the company.  We all need to give our best in order to make Honeycutt Manufacturing Inc. a thriving company.


Time Clock

It is imperative that your arrival, and departure time at your job be clocked in and out within M1 Shop Floor Entry.  If for some reason you fail to clock in or out it is up to you to see that your supervisor writes in and signs your edit slip for you. 

Everyone has a supervisor; you cannot sign your Edit Slip nor have any one but your acting supervisor sign your Edit Slip.

Hours of Work

The company maintains two shifts: 

Day shift 1 operates 8 hours a day Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with one half hour lunch period. 

Night shift 1 operates ten hours a day, Monday through Thursday, 3:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. with one half hour lunch period. 

You will be expected to be on the job and at work at the beginning of your shift.

Do not clock in any earlier than 10 minutes before your shift starts.  Your time will be rounded to the start of your shift. 


The nature of our business sometimes requires that employees work longer than their regular shift, or on weekends and holidays.  It is the company's policy to hold overtime work to the absolute minimum necessary to accomplish the work that must be done.

  • Overtime is paid for all hours actually worked in excess of forty hours per week.    
  • Rate of pay is one and one half times your base rate.
  • Overtime is mandatory if the employee is given at least two (2) working day’s notice by his supervisor.
  • No overtime is permitted without the approval of your supervisor on a DAILY basis. 
  • If your overtime has not been approved it will not be paid.

Lunch and Rest Periods

Employees are scheduled for a one half hour lunch period.  It is essential that you observe your lunch period as scheduled.  Warning buzzer sounds 1 minute before end of lunch period.  You are expected to be at your workstation by the sounding of the second buzzer.  Food and drinks are not allowed at your work station.

Two ten-minute rest periods are scheduled; one during the first half and one during the last half of your work shift. Rest periods must be observed only as scheduled.

Coffee breaks and restroom breaks are allowed only before work, during your two (2) rest periods and lunchtime.


Should termination or layoff become necessary because of lack of work, due consideration will be given to length of service, work performance, ability, and other pertinent factors.


At least two weeks notice is desired from any employee who plans to leave the service of the company in good standing.

Your Pay

In order to attract and keep the employees required by our business, it is a policy of the company to pay wages that compare competitively with the wages paid by other firms in our area for like jobs.

Your starting salary is based upon your ability, training, education and experience at the time you are employed and the overall relative worth of your position.  Increases are based on your work performance, skill improvements, and your knowledge of the job, your dependability, and overall economic factors.  Periodically your supervisor will evaluate your performance and areas which need improvement. The purpose in evaluating your performance is to assist you in thoroughly understanding your job, and in becoming more effective in the manufacturing process.  This evaluation interview is a good place to clarify and resolve problems through discussing them with your supervisor.

Payday and Paychecks

Pay periods begin on Monday morning and end on Sunday evening.  Paydays are every 2 weeks on Thursday.  Please check with Human Resources for payday schedule. Paychecks will be available after 10:00 a.m. on paydays. Your supervisor will distribute paychecks or they can be picked up in the office at lunch time.  Paychecks are not to be collected by the employee during work hours.

Draws are available on an Emergency basis only and must be approved by Senior Management. 


Your vacation eligibility date is established upon the completion of one year ofcontinuous service.  If you or the company prior to the completion of one year terminates your employment there will be no vacation time due you.

After one year of service if you should terminate your employment, your vacation credits will be given to you. 

Your earned vacation is determined as follows:

After one (1) year of continuous full time employment: 040 hrs of paid vacation.
After three (3) years of continuous full time employment: 080 hrs of paid vacation.
After ten (10) years of continuous full time employment: 120 hrs of paid vacation.
After twenty (20) years of continuous full time employment: 160 hrs of paid vacation.

Note: Part time employees are not eligible for vacation benefits.

Note: Advance vacation pay requests must be received by payroll at least ten working days prior to the last day worked before your vacation.  Vacation request forms are available from the supervisor.

Each employee is required to take his or her annual vacation.  Please have your tentative vacation schedule to your supervisor by March 31st each year.  You and your supervisor should mutually determine the scheduling of your vacation.  In case of over scheduling during a certain time span, seniority will prevail, those who have their vacation schedules made by March 31st cannot be bumped by their seniors at a later date.  Your vacation must be taken at a minimum, one week at a time.


Eligible employees will receive six paid holidays per year. Holidays are paid at eight-hours regardless of the shift worked.  Holidays currently observed are:

New Years Day
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Thanksgiving Day
Independence Day
Christmas Day

If a holiday falls on Saturday, the Friday preceding will normally be observed as the holiday.  When a recognized holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following shall normally be observed as the holiday. A holiday that occurs during your vacation will not be counted as a day of vacation.

All employees who have been on the payroll for a continuous period of thirty days or more are eligible for holiday pay; provided you also work the full regular scheduled workdays both immediately preceding and immediately following the holiday. 


Note:  Part time employees are not eligible for holiday pay.


An employee, who is absent from work for any period of time and for any reason, is considered an absentee.  Included are all absences whether approved or not by your supervisor, and whether they were taken with or without advance notice.

It is the policy of Honeycutt Manufacturing that all employees must be available and report for work on time each and every day they are scheduled to work.  Failure to report, tardiness, and absences will be cause for immediate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.  Absenteeism is a costly problem for both you and the company.  You suffer a loss of earnings that cannot be recovered, and the company suffers a loss of production that cannot be recovered.  Further, absenteeism can make your job more difficult and thereby cause a low morale.  Good attendance benefits both you and the company.

It is recognized that a reasonable amount of absence due to bona fide illness or emergency situations is beyond your control.  On the other hand, we believe that Honeycutt Manufacturing is entitled to a reasonable degree of regularity in your attendance and that disciplinary action is proper for failure to adhere to a reasonable attendance standard.  Employees shall, therefore, arrange medical and dental appointments as much as possible to avoid absences from work.

Notification of Absence

If you are unable to report for work due to an illness or other justifiable cause, notification of your absence must be given to the company as soon as possible. Failure to notify the company at the start of the shift on the first day of absence, or within two (2) hours of your scheduled start time will result in disciplinary action.  Unless you are under the care of a doctor who issues a mandatory leave from work notice, you are required to call in to work each day you will not be present. If you cannot possibly return to work by the expected date, you must notify the company and provide the continued reason for the absence and the expected date of return.

The company may require a doctor's certificate at any time for verification of illness at its discretion.

Abuse of AbsencE

Any employee found to have violated company attendance policies or falsified or misrepresented the reasons for such absences or tardiness, shall be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

Employees who are absent for three consecutive workdays without notifying the company shall be considered as having voluntarily resigned.

Any person accumulating 48 hours of absenteeism in a 6-month period is subject to disciplinary action.

Leave of Absence

Leave of absence will be granted at the discretion of general manager.

Tools and Equipment

Employees are expected to possess the basic tools of their trade, such that they are able to self-sufficiently complete their individual duties without interrupting other workers. Honeycutt Manufacturing is not responsible for providing these tools to any employee, but can aid in the acquisition (i.e. ordering, payroll deduction) of the tools.

Though we take efforts to make this a safe and secure workplace, Honeycutt Manufacturing is not responsible for any employee’s personal belongings or tools.  It is your responsibility to make sure all or your personal belongings, tools, and toolboxes are locked up at night, or at anytime you are not on the premises and in direct control of your items.

Safety Glasses

Safety glasses are provided by Honeycutt Manufacturing and must be worn at all times.


All safety glasses must be OSHA approved with side guards.

Honeycutt Manufacturing will pay as an employee benefit $50.00 towards 1 pair of prescription safety glasses.  All employees who have been on the payroll for a continuous period of six months will be eligible for this benefit.  For this to be valid the employee must wear the glasses while in the shop.

Work Order

Every job that goes through the shop has a work order.  Each employee is to clock in and out on every job and every operation that they are working on using using M1 Shop Floor Entry.  This must be done to make our payroll and job cost programs work. Also, “IN PROCESS” dimensional sheets must be done for each job. For detailed information on how to use the work orders, barcodes and dimensional sheets, please see your supervisor.

Insurance Benefits

Honeycutt Manufacturing Inc offers a comprehensive medical and dental insurance program for the benefit of its employee and their dependents.

Details and explanations of the various coverage’s are outlined in the booklet(s) provided by the various plans.  Claim forms for the various coverage’s are available in the office. You must be employed full time for at least 30 days before being eligible for benefits. 

Telephone Usage

Incoming calls:  Emergency calls will be directed to you immediately.  Messages will be taken on all other personal calls and delivered to you as soon as possible.

Outgoing calls:  Phone calls made by you during the workday should be made on your breaks or lunch period.  PLEASE KEEP ALL PERSONAL CALLS TO A MINIMUM.  NO LONG DISTANCE PHONE CALLS - UNLESS IN AN EMERGENCY

Personal Cell Phones: Cell phones are not permitted during work hours and must be kept in your car, lunch room or at home.  Use of cell phones at your workstation is strictly prohibited and violation will result in disciplinary action.


Honeycutt Manufacturing is a non-smoking shop.  Smoking is allowed outside the shop during breaks and lunch periods, ONLY.

Dress Code

Due to occupational hazards do not wear frayed, torn, loose clothing, or jewelry.  Also, do not wear pants that drag on the floor due to a tripping hazard. Please do not wear any clothing with obscene wording or pictures.


Please keep music volume to a minimum.  NO HEAD PHONES IN THE SHOP.

Do not play music with obscene language.

Rules of Conduct

Every effort is made to develop employees by proper supervision and training.  There are certain rules of conduct, which have been established for the benefit and protection of all employees and to govern the general conduct of company employees while they are on the job.  The following rules have been designed for your welfare and protection, as well as the company's and will be updated or modified from time to time as required.  Employees may be subject to disciplinary action, which may include discharge depending upon the frequency or severity of a violation of the employee rules of conduct.

1.    Dishonest or fraudulent acts against the company or fellow workers.
Stealing or misappropriation of property of the company, fellow workers, other employees, or any other conduct of a dishonest nature.

2.    Failure to report accidents.
Failing to report immediately to supervisory personnel any accident or injury which an employee has sustained.

3.    Damaging or destroying property.
Willfully altering, mutilating, abusing, or wasting property, facilities, records, or equipment belonging to or located on the company's premises.

4.    Insubordination.
Willfully refusing or failing to follow instructions or perform designated work.

5.    Improper absence from work.
Being absent from work or tardy without reasons satisfactory to the company.

6.    Abusive or obscene language.
Using uncivil, insulting, vile or obscene language in addressing fellow workers, supervisors, or others. 

7.    Horseplay, fighting, and immoral conduct.
Engaging in horseplay, provoking or instigation a fight or fighting on company property, contributing to unsanitary conditions or immoral conduct.

8.    Other employment while on leave of absence.
Accepting employment elsewhere while on leave of absence from the company unless properly authorized.

9.    Non compliance with safety rules.
Violating or failing to comply with any of the safety rules which are set forth in the "Washington State General Safety Standards", the “Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act", or failing to follow recognized safe procedures in performing work for the company.

10.   Liquor, Narcotics and other intoxicants.
Allowing the use of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or other intoxicants in any way to interfere with work.  Entering the plant under the influence of or while in possession of alcoholic beverages or narcotics, or the consumption thereof on company premises.

11.   Smoking.
Smoking is not allowed in the shop at any time.  Smoking is allowed outside of the shop during breaks and lunchtime.

12.   False employment application and falsifying work records.
Knowingly or intentionally making false statements upon applications for employment, personnel records, or other company work records.

13.   Scanning another employee's time card.
Intentionally scanning the time card of a fellow worker or soliciting or causing other employees to scan time cards other than their own.  Repeatedly failing to scan the time card.

14.   Gambling.
Gambling in any form.  Minor card games and pools covering various athletic contests or games will not be considered gambling.

15.   Visitors.
Assisting any non-employee to enter the plant or company facilities without the company's prior authorization.

16.   Poor work performance and negligence.
Engaging, while on company time, in any activities other than assigned work, and/or failing to do the work assigned by supervisors in an efficient and satisfactory manner acceptable to the company.

17.   General.
Engaging in other such practices as may be inconsistent with ordinary, reasonable, common sense rules of conduct necessary to the mutual welfare of the company and its employees.

18.   Probationary period.
All employees hired by the company are placed on a probationary status during their first ninety days of employment with the company.  After completion of ninety days of continuous employment, employees are eligible to be placed on a regular status.

19.   Change of employee status.
It is your responsibility to notify the company regarding changes of address, telephone number, marital status, dependent coverage and beneficiary.

The company will limit information given out on employees to a minimum concerning verification of the employee's name and employment status only.  In no event will detailed information regarding wages, salary or medical history be released other than at the employee's request or as a requirement in a legal proceeding.

20.   Use of facilities for non-work purposes
Due to insurance liability no employees may use company facilities for personal use or projects.